September 28, 2008


im starting to think i would have been better off in indiana.

london seemed to be the perfect fit a little while ago. i could get two years in one, and be at acu with katelyn and nathan, and possibly wiley. i would be here and out in no time and back in the states at a wonderful college with my siblings and boyfriend.
now my sister is pregnant and getting married. shes dropping out of school. wiley has chosen to stay home for atleast a year and go to IUPUI. nathan may or may not be at abilene, no one really knows, hes so hard to get a hold of.
i probably cant go back to indiana in october cause of the high plane prices. atleast ill go back to wv in december.. and dad bought us tickets to fly to dallas in august!! what the heck?! ill have a month and a half with flippen nothing to do in stupid england! when i could be spending precious time, that i havent had since a year ago, with my boyfriend in indiana!!
what in the world?! ill see wiley in december for about a week. and if its even possible with the plane prices, maybe around april for two weeks. then im england till i fly to dallas for college in august!! and he'll be in indiana... ill be in texas. i wont see him! not until we could visit each other, but even at that we have to get settled into college first before we could think about roadtripping across the US.
im in so much pain. i cant stand being away from him anymore...
i would have rather stayed in indiana, gone to GCA my last two years, he would have gone to IUPUI and we would be in the same state still my senior year, then i would go to ACU, katelyn wouldnt be there anyway with her kid, and nathan would have graduated by then even if he did decide to go. and wiley might have come with me after we had been a year apart in different colleges.
london is horrible. i cant stand it. i want to be home so badly. i just want to be with wiley and just lay in his arms.
oh my gosh. why does it have to fall apart like this?!

1 comment:

rachel =) said...

i don't know, allison. i really don't. i wish you could come home, too. i can't imagine how much it hurts to be so far away. please come talk to any of your friends and we'll help you out. you know that. we love you to pieces and we want to help make this a little easier on you. i love you so much and i'm praying for you and your family.